Tuesday, October 21, 2008

News Update!

October 21,2008


In the news last evening was the report of a major find in the Arizona desert, of thousands of dinosaur footprints that the scientists have given the name "dancing dinosaurs". The scientists have reported the site to be around 35.6 million years old. Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin , unable to except the findings, sent her own team from her Wasilla church to do a fair and balanced investigation. They discovered a fossilized saxophone and snare drum among the dancing footprints that date no older than 5,800 years ago. As the world should be able to agree....there is no chance that dinosaurs had any internal rhythm, and it should be universal knowledge that rhythm was not invented until people inhabited Africa, ergo there had to be people present to play these instruments at the dance, injecting the required funk into the dinosaurs to allow them to dance. Proof positive once again that man and dinosaurs walked and apparently danced on this earth at the same time, no more than 6,000 years ago. But you will never see that fact in the liberal elite media. On a side note, showing typical liberal intolerance, Sarah's minister and his helpers were escorted out of Arizona with a police escort after they made repeated attempts to exorcise a mini mart cashier whom they were convinced was a practicing witch.

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