Thursday, November 6, 2008

Calfornia Dreamin November 6, 2008

It took a little while, but the results of the controversial ballot measure in California are in. The entire nation watched as both sides of this hot button issue struggled to get their message across to the people of California. Outside money flowed in from all over the country as battle lines were drawn, and the blood flowed. This was clearly positioned to be a land mark vote, with the results highly anticipated from coast to coast. The question ... are we to be a moral people driven by the clear intentions of God, or are we to be rudderless, lost in an everlasting sea of despair, debauchery and fear. The choice was well defined, and Californians made their decision with a clear, and strong voice. The nation listened.
Tonight, with the storm passed and a loving and forgiving God in their hearts, the majority of people in California, indeed the whole country, will sleep a little sounder. Tomorrow morning they will walk with an extra bounce in their step to the breakfast table, knowing the eggs sitting on their plates were laid by chickens no longer forced to live in crowded conditions. Chickens that have finally been given back the personal space and autonomy that God gave them at birth. With the passing of the animal protection ballot measure, baning the overcrowded cages currently in use to house egg laying chickens, California leads the country, and the world, in making us a more compassionate and understanding community, and I for one rejoice at the vote.

Oh yeah... California, Arizona, and Florida also voted to make same sex marriage a crime punishable by fines and or prison time......
Apparently there's just too much love in this world.

1 comment:

Emily in Exile said...

You scared me with that beginning.
